Monday 29 December 2014

400 days update

Last but not least post of today... an update on my 400 Days of Thrifting Challenge!

Other than my little trip to Savers, I haven't been op shopping for a bit. There isn't a lot I need right now, and I am really keen on downsizing what I have before buying lots of new things to wear.

What I have have discovered so far:

It is really nice receiving something brand spanking new. Mum bought me a new dress from the Target Collection for Christmas and it looks great and is super comfy. This is totally within the rules of my challenge and it was a massive surprise as I didn't know I was getting anything.

Getting holes in things suck. I am having to part with some of my fave PJs because too many holes! I hadn't really decided if I could buy new PJs as part of the challenge, but I probably don't need to as I usually sleep in pajama pants and old t-shirts. How Elizabeth Wakefield of me. We also seem to do a lot of washing (see previous entries about being married to a sportshead), so it probably isn't really necessary.

Shopping isn't anywhere near as exciting as it used to be. It's almost like going on on your Hen's Night. You understand why you used to find such things exciting, but they are now off limits. In short, my quests to the shops only seem to involve Coles, the butcher and the baker. 

Rotation of my wardrobe isn't as dramatic was what I would have liked. I keep looking at things I know I like, but also don't feel like wearing anymore. Maybe I have been hanging onto these things for an emotional attachment rather than for practical reasons. I will do another Great Chuck Out when the summer is finished.

Staples still make up a lot of what I wear each day. I have a set of go-to items such as leggings, my long sleeved t-shirts and my denim vest. But with the weather finally heating up again, I am hoping I can get away with wearing some different stuff, even just for a few days.

I'm loving the challenge so far and looking forward to what the next year and a bit will bring.

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